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How would you best describe your company’s relationship with Sharp? * Alliance Technology Partner: My company sells complimentary solutions to Sharp or NEC product Consultant: My company is a consulting firm Distributor: My company sells to resellers Consumer/end user: My company purchases Sharp or NEC product for final use OEM: My company integrates other technologies into Sharp or NEC product (touch) Reseller: My company sells to end user customers Other (none of the above)
What is your Customer Type? * Reseller Other
What is your Customer Type? * Architect Other
What is your Customer Type? * Digital Cinema Reseller Other
What is your Customer Type? * Direct End Customer Rental and Staging Other
What is your Customer Type? * Rental and Staging Other
What is your Customer Type? * Digital Cinema Reseller Independent Servicers Integrator Rental and Staging Reseller
What is your Customer Type? * Independent Servicers Other
Would you prefer to attend * The morning sessionLunchThe afternoon sessionAll day
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